
Visit Location de Vélos à Assistance Électrique 1H

Recreation Park

Gratuit avec le The Burgundy-Franche-Comté Pass


15.00 €

10% in your kitty



03 80 62 11 17

Site Nordique du Val de Vennes

Located in the north of the Jura Mountains, the northern site of the Val de Vennes is situated in the commune of Fournets-Luisans.
The Val de Vennes, situated between 900 and 1,000 metres above sea level, is marked by the typical landscapes of the Haut-Doubs: fir and spruce forests, valleys, combes and old Comtoises farms.
This Nordic site offers the possibility to practice cross-country skiing and snowshoeing (5 km trail). In the Val de Vennes, you can ski on 15 km of slopes (skating and classic) but there are links with neighbouring sites (Les Combes / Gilley) which offer a total of 30 km of slopes
Animated by an association of enthusiasts, the Nordic site of Val de Vennes will allow you to rent equipment and picnic in a heated off-piste room.