
Visit City Game

En Réduction avec le The Burgundy-Franche-Comté Pass


15.00 €

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03 84 48 76 69

City Game

Gather a team of 2 to 6 players to walk along paths strewn with pitfalls and enigmas... An "escape game" for all, based on a fictional scenario that allows you to find clues, solve riddles and find a treasure.

A fun approach to visiting the town of Saint-Amour and discovering its treasures, hidden in the bend of an alleyway, near a fountain.

Are you ready to try the adventure?

Thanks to the City Game, go through the town of Saint-Amour, in search of the treasure and secret of the famous flautist Marcel Moyse. Marcel Moyse, born in Saint-Amour in 1889, was a world-famous flautist.
No one knows where he got his passion, but legend has it that when he was a child he found a passage to a fantastic world and brought back an enchanted flute.

A fantastic world, an enchanted flute...

Nobody believes this story of course, not even you! But one day, while rummaging through the archives of the town hall, you stumble upon a bag with a letter inside. It is not complete, nor in good condition, but something catches your attention: it is signed "Marcel Moyse"! Let's go on the quest for the mysterious secret!

From 2 to 6 players, from 12 years old, the presence of at least 2 adults is necessary for the game to work properly.