
Musée de Flandre

History and tradition

En Réduction avec le Lille European Metropolis city pass


25.00 €

10% in your kitty



+33 359 73 45 60

n the spirit of a cabinet of curiosities, the Departmental Museum of Flanders brings together artists from the past and the present. From the Flemish primitives to the landscapes of Joachim Patinir or Roelandt Savery and contemporary works by Panamerenko or Wim Delvoye, it opens a window on the plurality and richness of Flemish art. Passing through its doors is an invitation to a journey of discovery, emotion and astonishment!Train - "Cassel" stop (+ 30 min walk to the Grand Place). Open Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Closed on Monday, 01/01, 01/05 and 25/12.