
Villa Cavrois


En Réduction avec le Lille European Metropolis city pass


25.00 €

10% in your kitty



Designed from 1929 and completed in 1932, the Villa Cavrois is a family home commissioned by Paul Cavrois and his wife, a textile industrialist from Roubaix, from the architect Robert Mallet-Stevens, a leading figure in the modernist movement.the architect Robert Mallet-Stevens, a leading figure in the modernist movement. Following a precise programme, the villa brought together all the advanced technologies of the time, creating an aesthetic shock whose effects can still be felt today.The interior of the Villa is entirely finished in luxurious materials such as marble, exotic wood and polished aluminium,polished aluminium, is furnished with furniture designed by Mallet-Stevens, who also designed the landscaping for the park. The most modern techniques of the time were applied. When Madame Cavrois died in 1986, the furniture was dispersed and the Villa was sold in 1987. After a long period of neglect andAfter a long period of neglect and vandalism, the State became the owner of the Villa in 2001 and embarked on a major conservation and restoration project aimed at restoring the original 1932 design. Opened to the public by the Centre des Monuments Nationaux in June 2015, the monument has since welcomed more than 600,000 visitors.Tramway - Stop: Villa Cavrois