Through a docu-drama, Frédéric Collardeau, dyke master in the 19th century, reveals the secrets of his trade and his life. You'll discover the evolution of water management in the marshes. It's not an easy task, and one that can lead to conflicts between wet and dry marshes.
Your visit continues in the house of the dyke master, inviting you to step back in time and share in the daily life of the inhabitants of the Marais in centuries gone by: eel pots, bousat, pigeon lamp, but also bedroom, table...
Around the Maison du Maître des Digues, you can follow an exhibition presenting the daily life of a hutter, hunter, gatherer and fisherman, through the testimonies of Eugène Olivier.
The ecomuseum offers fun, child-friendly content. Accompanied by their parents, they can discover the site by setting off in search of Margaux, the water fairy (free booklet given to all visitors aged 7 to 12) or by slipping into the shoes of a Dyke Master with the Baludik application.
July and August: daily (including public holidays) 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
April to June and September: Wednesday to Saturday (closed on public holidays) from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 17:30.
Closed from October to March.
02 51 56 77 30