
Institut Art Contemporain

Museums & temporary exhibitions

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21.00 €

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A contemporary art creation and research laboratory, the Institute of Contemporary Art operates an in situ (1200 m²) programme of exhibitions and encounters combined with a permanent collection of works of international standing.
The institute has four exhibition periods each year, with a new space being created for each period. The exhibitions are made up of simultaneous projects of an original nature.
The hub of the IAC's experimental activity, the Brain Space Laboratory, set up in 2009, explores these various areas of research and creation.

The Institute of Contemporary Art's collection currently represents one of the biggest public collections in France. Consisting of 1600 works from nationally and internationally recognized artists, the collection is open to all forms of artistic expression (paint, photography, video, installation, sculpture, etc.) and includes artists that have become "historic" (Alighiero Boetti, Daniel Buren, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, On Kawara, Gerhard Richter, Martha Rosler, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Weiner, etc.) as well as artists whose careers are currently flourishing (Candice Breitz, Jordi Colomer, Pierre Huyghe, Pipilotti Rist, Melik Ohanian, Fiona Tan, Gillian Wearing).
It is primarily through its collection that the Institute pursues its ex situ research and awareness-raising activities. This involves experimenting with the many possibilities of its collection, in collaboration with numerous partner structures, thereby reinforcing the modern art network in the Rhône-Alpes, and building special links with international institutions.


Open only during exhibitions.

From Wed to Fri: 2 pm to 6 pm and sat. to sun  from 1 pm to 6 pm

Open bank holidays except Dec 25th, Jan 1st, May 1st. 



+33 4 78 03 47 00

Institut d'Art Contemporain - IAC