
Naval Museum Maillé Brezé

Museums and sites

Gratuit avec le Nantes Pass


18.00 €

10% in your kitty


- Tueday to Friday : guided visit at 2.30 pm and 3.00 pm
- Saturday, Sunday, holidays and french school holidays : guided visit at 2.30 pm , 3.00 pm, 3.30 pm,  4.00 pm.
- Closed on Monday (except during school holidays) , during week 3 in January and week 47 in November, 24.12, 25.12, 31.12 and 01.01.



09 79 18 33 51

A war ship, now a floating naval museumUnique warship which is now classed a historic monumentHistorical monument since 1991, the Maillé-Brezé is the first naval museum afloat in France. It participates in the enhancement of a heritage that might otherwise be forgotten.Jewel of the French Navy, the Maillé-Brézé is one of a series of 18 destroyer escort, Surcouf type, built in the 1950'. With a length of 132.65 meters, a width of 12.70 meters and a draft of 5.80 meters, its moving at full load is 3 900 tons. Served by a crew of 277 men including 17 officers and 100 petty officers, its 63 000 horsepower allowed it to reach the speed of 33 knots with an action range of 4 100 nautical (or 6 600 km)


The Maillé Brézé is open everyday.

All tours are accompanied by a guide.

During French holidays :

The visits start at 2.30 pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4 pm

The rest of the year :

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday : only one visit at 3 pm

Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday : the visits start at 2.30pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4pm

There are two types of visit: 

The Board Tour :  History of the boat, museum, arms and detection systems, operational centre, boat gangway, living space : 1 hour

The Motor Tour : Propulsion system: boiler room, turbines, condenser...: ½ hour  

Visits for groups and booking : contact maillebreze@orange.fr