
Galerie des Machines de l'Ile

Museums and sites

Gratuit avec le Nantes Pass


18.00 €

10% in your kitty


Opening Times : https://www.lesmachines-nantes.fr/en/practical/opening-hours/

Annual closure between the French Christmas and winter holidays, May 1st and December 25th



0810 12 12 25

A team of mad builders have set up their workshop in this warehouse : a performance area where each individual machine puts on a mini-show.Jules Verne himself would have imagined a 12m high elephant going for a stroll along his hometown’s quaysides! Board this strange beast and see all the machines in the hangars of the former shipyards. An imposing 8m heron carries passengers and flies over the model of the Heron Tree planted in the middle. Vegetation rubs up against mechanical plants and animals from the tree top canopy. You could be invited to take control of animals and admire the flight of the heron flying above the model of the Heron Tree. Sketches of the machine in use as well as covering the whole creative design process are on display in this Gallery-Laboratory. Since 2014 the Giant Ant has been scurrying across the gallery. The four passengers it carries can control its legs, head and mandibles.

Opening hours on the Machines de l'île website.

Free access to the Galerie (and the Carrousel - access discounted or vice versa)

NB: the Elephant trip is not included in the Pass.